Monday, November 6, 2017

Squash, Squash, Buttternut Squash!

I know, I know. I'm supposed to start her on cereal and rice and what not, but this little bug just LOVED her FIRST baby food ever last night, some BUTTERNUT SQUASH!

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Unfortunately, Justin's great aunt passed away and her funeral will be Tuesday. But, his Aunt Connie did fly up early, so that was nice to be able to see her, and have her meet Maddox for the first time! She also spoiled us by taking us out to Texas Roadhouse for steaks! 

Aunt Connie and Kiannah

Kiannah and Daddy!

Mommy and Maddi Bones sleeping away!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Resting In Peace

Today, my grandfather (my mother's dad) has been gone into his heavenly home for 25 years. She has officially lived longer on this earth without her dad, than she did with him. It's scary to think how fast time moves around us and how fast everything can change around you. One instant can be the end or the beginning.

Love those you love, and do it freely, unconditionally, and with mountains of passion. For you never know when you'll never again have the chance. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Finders, Keepers!

Little miss Maddox caught her left toes for the first time Monday, and her right ones for the first time today! She's learning so much, so fast!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity.

A part of me wants to go back and get a full time job. To be able to help and pay bills. To not just be a home maker. I feel bad. I feel like I could be helping us, we could be saving money to buy a house. But I have realized, that Justin is doing me the biggest favor that I could ever ask for. He is supporting this family single-handed. He is letting me watch this beautiful little gem grow up. He is letting me be there for her. He is letting me raise our daughter how we want her to be raised, not in some daycare with their rules and philosophy. He's letting me do what I do best, be a mommy. ♥

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Safe Candy- Safe Family

I've heard many people talking about how in Bellevue, NE and a few other places people found needles in their candy. Thankfully, we only go trick-or-treating at places we know.

This year, we went to my mom's work, then to Justin's grandparent's house. Following that, we only went to the houses around town of family friends and people whose houses I've been trick-or-treating at since I was younger than Kiannah is.

It's really all about safety and thinking ahead.

Yes, we could have gotten a whole lot more candy if we had gone to every single house, and we could have been out way later. But, we only went where we needed to go and to people we wanted to see, and we have PLENTY of candy to last us, along with peace of mind for our daughter.