Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Alignment is Everything Time Forgot.

Lately I have been looking more into my chakras. While I have been involved with stones and healing for some time already, I am just now going further into the depths of chakra alignment. For my birthday this week, I even bought a Chakra for beginners book. I cant go very into the depths of it all right now, because I'm a beginner. But if I have learned anything, it's this: Be Patient With Yourself. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Peak Season

With spring being upon us, I am looking forward to new projects.

Just a heads up on some projects Justin and I are planning for the year, along with some other things coming up in our lives that I (hopefully) will be posting about.

1. Yesterday, we went to Spring City, and even though I should've been my blogger-mom-self, I instead chose to be my inner-five-year-old-self, and with that being said I took absolutely ZERO pictures :( On the plus side though, we are hoping to (within the next few months) take Kiannah to Champions in Hastings.

2. We posted about planting our fall bulbs (you can see that post here) so I will be keeping updates on how those turn out.

3. Justin and I are planning a vegetable garden that we will have to build another above ground planter for.

4. Kiannah has officially been signed up for T-Ball for the season, and I'm TRYING to figure out where to turn in her soccer information. She is eager to be able to try soccer, as she already has been in T-Ball for two years.

5. Maddox is officially crawling, trying to pull herself up on things, eating soft table foods, and cutting her first tooth. Look forward to updates on her growth.

6. My and Justin's birthdays are both this month (Britni-March 9, Justin-March 19).

As of right now that's all I can think of that is going on, but I may think of more. Hopefully I can get back to posting regularly. Thanks for reading!