Saturday, July 21, 2018

How Time Has Passed

I've been pretty terrible at posting lately. I've taken on watching one of the neighborhood girls during the week,  Justin broke his I broke Justin's hand, so he was home for five weeks as well (that post will come another time,) and Maddox is a running wild ONE YEAR OLD!
Singing Happy Birthday 
Maddox turned one year old on July 16, 2018. We had a wonderful birthday for her, surrounded by friends and family. We rented the Town Hall building for the party, and we may have to find a new location because we literally had a packed house. Justin and I were so thankful to see so many people who mean so much to our little growing family all in one place for our beautiful middle little.
Maddi's new car from her Memaw. 
 Maddi has been crawling for two months now. She still loves any food that you give her, and has been on all cow milk for about a month. She has learned how to wave bye-bye, clap, give kisses, and we are working on blowing kisses now. She has both top and bottom front teeth and is working on numbers five and six as I type. She says "mama, dada, yeah, okay." She loves to play outside, swim, and play peek-a-boo. She also REALLY hates it when anyone other than her loves on Dad.
She LOVES her new big girl car seat from Gramma Laura. 
Maddi was completely showered in toys, clothes, and love for her birthday.

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