Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Brief History

I feel that before I dive into my rants and opinions I should inform those of you whom do not know me about myself and my family. That being said, here goes:

I am in a relationship with a guitar-playing, Xbox-loving, long-haired, crazy man named Justin. I've known him all his life, though we just a few years back realized we had feelings for each other. Mutually, at least. I can say I had a crush on him before that, and if you ask he will say the same thing (unless he is just trying to make me feel better about myself). He drives me absolutely crazy and keeps me on my toes, and I love him more than I ever knew I could. Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

Our eldest daughter is Kiannah Elsamarie. She is five years old and is a kindergartner this year. She is involved in our church via Wednesday Worship Experience (WWE), Vacation Bible School (VBS), and Story Time Library. Her favorite things to do are to go to the park, practice reading, and play with her cousin, Hunter. She loves her room and her things to be in order and have things precisely the way she wants them. 

Our new arrival is Maddox Emmersyn. She is two months old. Her current pass-times involve naps, peek-a-boo, copying mommy's facial expressions, and nursing.

Justin works for a modular home construction company and I am a stay at home mom (former CNA).
We live in a Nebraska town so small that there are no stores, no gas stations, and no restaurants. Just a post office, fire department, and a "memorial hall" with a couple baseball fields.

I suppose I should go a little deeper into myself, as this blog will be following myself and my family, along with my views and opinions.

I am a mother of two beautiful girls. I got pregnant with Kiannah when I was a sophomore in high school. She was born in the middle of my junior year, which led me to do online classes for the full second semester and for my senior year to only do half days in order to still be allowed to walk with my class at graduation. After graduation, though I was accepted into a community college nearby, and Wayne State College, I opted to take the CNA class. I was working in the dietary department of the hospital and they offered to pay for my classes if I agreed to work there as a Nurse Aide. I ended up working there for almost two years as an aide. I then went to a retirement home to be an aide and worked there just shy of two years before deciding to stay home with Kiannah for the last few months before she started school. I am a volunteer fire fighter. You could say I'm more of a volunteer responder, because I mostly just do fire fighter rehab and/or take vitals. I've been a full member of the department for four years but was a cadet for four years prior to that. My hobbies include photography, crafts, collecting antique keys and bottles, and spending time with my family.

Hopefully this has given you some insight as to who I am, and I look forward to my next post!

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