Friday, September 29, 2017

Gardens, and plants, and potting, oh my!

This year, I got to do something I've never done before: plant flowers in my yard. Growing up, my mom had a rock garden that wrapped around our house and she always had plants in that, but they were mostly bushes and perennials so we never had a chance to replant them. 
Outside our back door, in the driveway there is a triangle of dirt that we turned into a flowerbed. We didn't know what to plant, being complete green thumbs, but we decided to start with some gladiolus. We put the gladiolus around the perimeter of the flowerbed, with our bird bath, bird feeder and my antique milk in the middle. We later added portulaca for some color inside of the perimeter, as well. You can see the progress below.
 When I was picking bulbs, I didn't quite know what I was looking for so I decided to just grab a variety pack of bulbs from my local Walmart. We ended up with mostly yellow plants, but had a pretty variety of pinks, salmons, reds, maroon, black, and white as well. 
 Our next order of business was on the sides of our door. We had two large areas to fill, and were strapped for cash. Looking for ways to get tat filled in, my mom brought up the tiger lilies on first street. A long time ago, someone threw out tiger lilies into a ditch on first street. They are in a ditch to a cornfield, and have taken over most of the wild grass around them. Justin and I took his car and a shovel and filled our entire trunk three times to fill in our desired area. 
 Justin's grandma, Joey, has a large garden in her back yard and a flower bed that goes around the front of her house. She loves having us go over there and dig up some of hers to bring home. She actually gave us a few orange lilies that are mixed in with all the tiger lilies that we transplanted. Among the flowers she gave us were these moon flowers. The bloom was wet in the picture below, so sorry for the low quality, but you can see in the larger picture that they are done blooming and have seed pods, now. 
 She also gave me two mum plants, the first one (bottom two photos) is bloomed in a light lavender/pink color. The second plant (the top photo) is now starting to get plum colored blooms. 
 Now that it is fall, I decided to dig up my outside annuals (my portulaca) and bring them inside, as well. Kiannah had a blast getting to dig in the garden!
 This year for Easter, we let Kiannah pick out an Easter Lily as well. We took the dead plant off the bulb and replanted the bulb (with a pansy) and her lily now has two sprouts coming up off of it, too!!
When we moved into the trailer last summer, I bought a couple house plants. While one died right away, the other was doing alright in the house. It wasn't thriving beautifully, but it was alive (which is a plus for me). That is until our indoor cats started trying to claw it. This spring, after planting outside I moved this plant outside and it turned bright pink! You can see when I fist took it outside (bottom), when I brought it back inside a few weeks ago (left), and now how the pink is fading and it's turning green again (top). 
Justin's grandma has given us many, many bulbs in the last few weeks as well. Hopefully next spring, I will be able to update with what plants we have and keep a diary of progress. 

Until next time, 

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