Friday, February 21, 2020

The Second Time Around



The next time we saw the house, not much had changed. It was a month later, April 30, and the family had started cleaning up the house a bit. They started in the bathroom, which lucky for us was the room we needed to remediate upstairs. Since the problem was in the subfloor and we didn’t know how deep it was, we talked to a contractor to have him complete the task.

The flooring was coming apart in the bathroom from water damages mainly from the tub overflowing and the previous residents dripping water on the floor as they exited the bathtub. 

The contractor advised us to do a surface repair on the flooring. Since the water damages were from the bathtub, and we couldn’t see underneath the didn’t know if we were going to have to replace more subfloor under it. 


Two days later, our contractor came out to replace the surface flooring.

The flooring was just some cheap laminate that was on sale at the time. Knowing we weren’t going to keep the flooring - or even that bathroom for that matter -  the way that it was, we decided to just pick whatever would rack up the smallest bill and wait to pick something we really liked until the full remodel.

Keep in mind— this is nowhere near what we wanted or ended up going with, it was just to bring the value of the house up enough for the appraiser to sign off on it. 


While our contractor was working on the bathroom floor upstairs, we were busy with the remediation in the bathroom in the basement.

Even though we wanted to tear out all of the drywall, we had no idea we would have to do all of it before the house was even ours. The mold spread from the North wall in the bathroom (which is left of the toilet in this picture) but we had no idea it went all the way around the closet to the office in the basement that housed the furnace, water softener, and water heater as well.

Here was when we had finished the removal of the entire bathroom, and the closet on the opposite side of it as well.

The view from the office once we started tearing out the drywall inside. The bifold door you see opens to the closet housing the furnace, water softener, and water heater.

Once we opened everything up, we really started seeing the potential the house had.

This view is from inside of the bathroom looking toward the bottom of the stairs. Ask you can see, we started moving furniture out of the way to be able to haul out the infected drywall and paneling.

After some long hours and only one day, we had all of the remediation torn out.


We thought the worst of it was over and now we were in to the clear.

We were wrong.

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