Sunday, March 15, 2020

I’m Sensing Ample Panic, But Only Meager Disco.

I’ve been trying really hard to not voice myself about the COVID-19 pandemic, but at this point everyone is affected and that makes it pretty hard to avoid talking about.

I’m hoping that this goes to my advantage, having Kiannah home to help me throughout the day with the littles, but I also am aware she’s 8 and is a tad ornery herself. So far, it’s looking like I will have my three girls throughout the day along with my nephews because my sister is allowed to work from home and her husband’s workplace hasn’t shut down or imposed restrictions yet. 

My sister and I went shopping yesterday to see what all we could get our hands on before the mass panic (which thankfully we did because all of the surrounding schools shut down effective today and I doubt there is much, if anything, left). 

We ended up starting out with Super Saver, which was mostly stocked pretty normal, with the exception of the key items: toilet paper, Clorox wipes, sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, and masks. Bottled water had a minimum, and only purified water. Also, only the refill packs for baby wipes. 

Next, we went to Menards. We once again could not find any of the above items, with the exception of some more water choices. 

We tried Walgreens, where they had plenty of diapers and wipes, but only in smaller packages as they don’t carry bulk anyways, but were out of all of the main five items, and had no water bottles in packs bigger than 6. 

We ended our run with Hyvee, and thankfully when I walked down the aisle, they were putting Clorox wipes on the shelf so I was able to grab some for myself and my sister. But once again, they were completely out of toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, masks, sanitizer, and about 30 seconds after I walked out of the aisle, Clorox wipes too. 

Shopping is scary, now. I’m always a pretty cautious person, but now I am genuinely afraid that if I get ahold of a basic grocery someone will either try to take it, or hurt me to get it. The Walmarts in the next town over were having the police department monitor the toilet paper aisles to be sure the workers were not attacked or assaulted while they were trying to stock. The panic of everything is going to drive everyone apart. It already has. 

So far my plan hasn’t really changed much. Being a work at home mom has its advantage on this one. I’m hoping if I hear of people in the community with littles that will need someone to watch them without school in session, I will be able to recruit one or two more people to help keep an eye out for the kids. 

At this point, I can only be thankful that we have a decent supply of everything that we need, and will hopefully not have to do without much while we wait this thing out. Honestly, I’m more scared of going out and there being stuff on the shelves that people are fighting over than there being nothing at this point. 

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