Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Life As We Know It..


Justin still got to go to work this morning, which meant my morning started out fairly normal. Woke up at 6, made a pot of coffee, filled Justin’s thermos, made his lunch, helped him make sure he had everything he needed for work, sent him out the door and sat down to start my morning Pinning. Aerilynn woke up around 7:30 commencing mommy/Aerilynn bonding time. Then Justin texted me around 8 asking if I saw his wallet anywhere, since we both knew he’d asked for it this morning before work and I’d given it to him. I looked all over and finally found it in his coat pocket. He put it in his black coat, and then when going out the door put his tan coat on instead. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down to enter our finances into my finance tracker when I looked at Justin’s account and found a purchase for some store in New York, NY for $331, and some utility company in Washington for $63. So I called our bank, and explained the situation and they said to have Justin come in after work to fill out a debit disclosure.

Once I got off the phone with Justin and the bank, my Uncle Russ called me from the Sams Club, asking if I had any Clorox wipes. I told him I’d bought a four-pack right before all of this started here, and I would be okay for awhile. He said he’d grabbed two packs, and that he would call my mom and sister to be sure they didn’t need any, and that they had put out the pallet about an hour earlier and it was now empty.
Clorox cleaners wiped out.
Photo courtesy of Russ. 

All of the Clorox Wipes wiped out within an hour.
Photo courtesy of Russ. 

Within two hours, two entire pallets of rice were emptied.
Photo courtesy of Russ. 

Please, be cautious and aware. Take one, maybe one extra. Others need cleaners, or the quarantine is for nothing. Others need food. Others need you to think of them, too. 

Thankfully, we went shopping right before stores ran out of everything so I only needed some Sprite, which Sams was NOT out of at the time. Other than that, the day was pretty typical. The kids played their hearts out, Kiannah and Hunter got to play some Minecraft while the littles had nap time, and we all got a slice of triple chocolate cake in celebration of Hunter’s fifth birthday today. 

I told myself I wouldn’t make my whole page about this, but I figured maybe a check in here or there wouldn’t hurt just for myself to look back on. 

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