Friday, March 27, 2020

Slight Changes Before Total Chaos

We are closing the end of our second week on social distancing cues, but thankfully so far for us, there is little disruption to our usual routine. J is still working, with the exception of no overtime starting today, and K has been out of class for two weeks now. Wednesday morning we started packets of school work for K, which has been nice since we don’t have an actual computer for her to be able to do online work on. Currently, we only have to do a bit of reading, writing, and math daily while logging the minutes of how much she reads, but her PE teacher also posts challenges to twitter for exercise ideas to do at home with the kids. 

Aside from adding K to the mix of the kids I have all day and starting homeschooling, my day is still fairly normal. Wake up, get J’s lunch and coffee together for him and talk to him a bit before he leaves, unload the dishwasher, and blog, journal, or work in my bullet journal. Wait for H and C to get here, and then the day begins. An endless whirlwind of snacks, cleaning the same surfaces over and over, and lots of butt changes. 

So far, the biggest change for us has been the shopping change. We are used to going shopping once a week, which hasn’t changed all that much, except now instead of going on Friday evenings as a whole family, Justin stays home with our three littles, and my sister and I make our run to town for supplies and groceries for her house, mine, and our grandparents. 

I’m trying to work on coming up with new ideas and things to do with the kids inside to keep them all entertained until the weather warms up some more, so wish me luck. 

I know this post isn’t long, or productive even, but I wanted to get it written down, not only for you but for myself and my sanity to get through this.

What are some new habits that you’re taking on in place of old habits you cannot do with self distancing?

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