Monday, October 2, 2017

30 Day Blog Challenge: Post Two

The topic of today's challenge is "my earliest childhood memory."

Though I only remember bits and pieces I would have to say it was the day my older sister, Natasha, broke my leg. If you read my challenge from yesterday, you would know that I have never "broken" a bone. I have however had a hair-line fracture.
I wish I could set the tone a little more with some seasonal and sensory descriptions, but I have no idea what time of year it was. Natasha and I were outside jumping on the trampoline while mom watched us. She was seven, I was two. We would take turns showing mom our tricks. Tash could do flips, tricks, twists, all kinds of things and I could summersolt or bounce on my butt and back up to my feet. After awhile of doing tricks, we both were bouncing around. Natasha had acquired the skill of double-jumping, and decided to give it a go. She double-jumped me and sent me into the air. I landed on the trampoline (thank heavens) but it was still just enough momentum to fracture my little leg. So being the two year old, I start crying, screaming "it hurts it hurts!" My mom carried me inside and sat me on my Winnie the Pooh bedspread where she kept trying to calm me down. I couldn't tell her why it hurt or even where, exactly but I knew it was hurting me and that was bad enough. After awhile of not being able to get me calmed down mom decided to take me into the hospital. They did x-rays and x-rays saying they couldn't find anything. When my grandma assured them that I never cried so obviously something was wrong, they looked once more and found a single hair-line fracture. They put me in a cast, which would be the first of -if I remember correctly- three. How do you tell a two-year-old they are not allowed to walk on their cast? One I wore through the heel walking on it, one got removed after I had shoved all the purple light bright pegs down it to prevent Natasha from getting them, and then finally the last one was removed when it was healed. I have scars from that one under my right knee and on my little toe from where they burnt me with the saw.

My first vauge memories are from when I was two, how old were you in yours?

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