Monday, October 9, 2017

Our Annual Trip to Helgoth's Pumpkin Patch - 2017

For this absolutely gorgeous Sunday afternoon, we decided to surprise Kiannah with a trip to the pumpkin patch!
The entrance to Helgoth's Pumpkin Patch.
We started out with our "How Tall This Fall?" photo of the year for Kiannah. 
(see all of them so far in my previous post, or here: all how tall this fall photos )
Our fifth addition to our "How Tall This Fall?" photo compilation.
Next, Kiannah found a jumping pillow, and of course she HAD to jump on it. She has always been an active kid that loves to bounce. 
Kiannah enjoying a bounce.
Avoiding all the green lines!

Afterwards, Kiannah and Justin kept racing up the fort and down the slide. 
They love slides!

The second time down.
She loves to get her picture taken. 
Posing in a photo sign.
Is it too late to turn her in for the reward?!
And of course, found another slide!
This slide was built up a hill of dirt rather than off a fort. 
A newer attraction, they had these giant tunnels on rollers. It was crazy hard to run in it without falling. In fact, we never accomplished it fall-free!!!
Now we know how hamsters feel!
I took a video of Kiannah on the zip line, but unfortunately it won't play on here, so for now, enjoy this cute shot of Justin and I waiting for her to get done on the zip line. 
My lovely boyfriend. 

Maddox starting to get antsy. 
After the zip line adventure, Justin decided it was time to brave the corn maze!!
Justin was so thankful we got a jogging stroller!

Kiannah was always a good lead away, happy to lead us around. 

"Is THIS one the way out?!?"

She lead us to victory!! 
After the corn maze, Justin and Kiannah decided to explore the farm equipment for a bit. 
Thankfully they weren't allowed to actually drive, poor Kiannah wouldn't have been able to reach everything. 

Then of course we had to go on the giant pillow, so mom and dad could take turns jumping, too!
Mom getting up after tackling Kia on the pillow. 

Chasing down Kiannah!

She's a quick little devil!


Tickle attack!

Close to surrendering!

Dad, it's a jumping pillow, not a napping one!
After the pillow, we all needed a few minutes to get ourselves some rest, so we went over and fed the goats.
Handsome little goat. 

"More please?!?!"

Don't they look thrilled? 
Next, we decided to feed ourselves. Meaty nachos and lots of bottles of water were our lunch of choice. 
Kiannah had to have us pull out "only the cheesy chips."

The cute little cafe.
With a spark of renewed energy, Justin and Kiannah had a great time playing on the ship. 
My little sailor!

Dad loves the slides just as much as Kiannah. 
We walked around to the back side of the patch, and found this new swing they had. 
The newest swing. 
And, Kiannah found the mini bumper cars! She kept running into kids so hard she would fly out of hers!!
Posing for the camera. 

Getting ready to go in for the bang!

She's so beautiful. 
We ended up going back over to the pillow for Kia and Justin to jump and I got these adorable shots of Maddox. 
Wink wink!

She was so happy. 
Finally, before we left we had to ride the tractor ride out to the field to pick our very own pumpkins. 
The chances of getting a good picture of all of us are one in a million. 

I love when they are happy. 
Maddox's, Justin's, Kiannah's, and mine. 
24 lbs, 53 lbs, 17 lbs, and 25 lbs!
Needless to say, it was a very tiring day at the pumpkin patch. 
These two can fall asleep ANYWHERE. 
Kia came home and got an hour and a half nap. 
My peaceful princess. 

Do you celebrate fall by going to the pumpkin patch?
Share your fall traditions in the comments!!

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