Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Oops! Embarrassing!!

I've been so caught up in the engagement I've been slacking, and I believe it's safe to say I've failed, the Thirty Day Blog Challenge. Anyhow, I shall resume where I left off.

Thirty Day Blog Challenge: Post Nine.
One of Your Most Embarrassing Moments.

Where do I even begin? I'm not one to be embarrassed by much, in fact, in high school I made a sort of target out of myself. I thought that if I wasn't affected by the whispers and name-calling, I could use it to my advantage. I dyed my hair crazy colors, dressed like an imbecile. I made myself a target for people who needed to pick on someone else, in hopes maybe they would leave someone else alone.

It took me awhile to get that confidence, though. When I was younger, I remember playing on the monkey bars at recess. I climbed up onto the equipment, and without calculating that it was wet outside, jumped out and tried to catch myself on the monkey bars. I caught, but with the dew on the bars, my hand slipped and I belly-flopped to the ground and directly into a mud puddle. It was right at the end of recess, and I walked in like nothing ever happened. A teacher found me sopping wet and I ended up being taken to the locker rooms where I could shower in peace and they found me an outfit.

I was the mud covered, monkey bar failure for a few weeks.

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