Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Haunted Mansion Prompt

Taken from my creative writing portfolio:

Great, my car would break down out here.. in the middle of nowhere, Liza thought to herself. She climbed out of the broken down Oldsmobile and kicked the hubcap on the back tire. She was headed down the road to find a ride or a tow, at the very least a phone to call for help. It was almost night fall and the crisp November air was starting to give her goosebumps. As she was walking down the road, she began to notice less and less live trees around her. I wonder what caused everything here to die, what made everything here so decrepit.. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a mansion. Not just any mansion, though. It had its own sense of beauty to it, like you knew how beautiful it must have been long ago, but looking at it now, it looked like somewhere you might see The Mystery Machine sitting outside of while Scooby and the gang looked for clues. Around the gargantuan lot the house rested upon, was a large -probably fifteen foot tall- barred fence, with of course lock and chain keeping the gates forever intertwined. Liza walked up to the gate, and studying the lock, reached up and pulled a bobby pin from her golden curls. Placing the pin in the lock, she carefully prodded around until -CLINK!- the lock had been cracked. Piece of cake, she was thinking until suddenly the wind came up and the smell of decay filled her nose. She quickly put her sleeve over her face and looked around. This has to be a joke, no one has been here for years unless some kids are here to play a sick joke.
"Hello?" Liza called. Silence
"IT'S NOT SAFE," the voice screeched back just as the silence was becoming more scary than the voice itself. Now Liza had come to the conclusion that her mind was playing tricks on her. It was late after all, and cold, and who could hear anything over this wind anyway? Wait, when did this wind start? Suddenly the gate slammed shut and the lock fell back into place. Liza ran over to it, but the keyhole had disappeared.
"Is anyone there?" she yelled. "This isn't funny!"
The keyhole was gone, the gates grew taller, the wind was growing stronger, and she could hear mumbled voices all around her when al of a sudden, pure silence. No wind. No voices. And then,
"I warned you."

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