Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Flash Fiction

Taken from my creative writing portfolio:

BOOM! Out of nowhere Ann's car started shifting left farther and farther without any concern for her lack of control. He pulled over the vehicle and got out.
"Stupid old tire," she said to herself as she sat on the ground and began to sob. Her phone was dead and no one in their right mind would be coming down this dark twisted road at this time of night. 
About an hour later, all hope gone, a semi pulled to a slow and sturdy stop about a hundred feet behind her. A short man with a hooded sweatshirt and shadows covering his face stepped down and began walking toward her. His grizzly hair and beard were clearly visible and unwashed sticking out of his hood.
"Car trouble?"
"you need a lift to the gas station? Only 'bout fifteen miles up the road." She started cautiously at him for a few seconds but reluctantly agreed. The man opened the door for her and she climbed in. Immediately the doors locked, and she was thrown into the back of the truck. There was a foul smell and something making a noise as she shuffled her feet. She picked up the source of the commotion. It was slimy in some places, and in others felt like... what was it? Instantly it clicked in her mind: bone. She was holding a human skull. Ann threw the skull away from her and lunged toward the front of the truck. She glanced up, and what caught her eye then, was a pair of glowing eyes staring back at her.

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