Friday, October 20, 2017

It's A Family Thing.

Does your family get family photos taken? 

My family never got photos taken of all of us, unless it was for something important like a baptism. (I think my baptism was the last one we had.) But, I do have a few generational photos with my family. One on my mom's side, and one on my dad's side.

My first family photo looks a lot more professional, we got them taken at the mall. A photo studio was doing $20 for one 8"x10" photo and you got a full session so if you liked any of the other pictures, you could buy a full package. We bought the whole package. :)
The first generation in this photo is my grandma, Helga. She was 63 when this photo was taken, and still looks the exact same. 
My mother, generation two, is Corinna. She was 44 when this picture was taken. 
I am generation three, and was 17 in this photo. 
My eldest daughter, Kiannah is generation four, and was almost one year old. 

My second generation photo is of my dad's side of the family. Though I am not sure of ages, the order is as follows:
Generation 1: Marjorie, my great-grandma. She has since passed away. 
Generation 2: Gilbert Dale, my grandfather. 
Generation 3: Steven Dale, my father.
Generation 4: Britni Kay, myself.
Generation 5: Kiannah, my daughter. 

I need to make it a thing to get more photos, for more memories like this. 

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