Saturday, October 7, 2017

Time Goes On..

30 Day Blog Challenge: Post Seven
Timeline of your day.

5:40 am- Justin's alarm goes off. I roll over and pretend I didn't hear it, so as to make him think I'm still asleep.

6:30 am- Justin comes over to tell me to have a good day, that he loves me, and give me kisses before he goes to work.

7:00 am- My alarm goes off. I get up, get dressed, and go wake Kiannah up to get herself dressed. We brush her hair and -if I'm lucky- she lets me do it cute for school. She goes to brush her teeth. Assuming this is a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, Willow should be showing up right about now. I take her to the bus with us on those days because her parents both leave for work before the bus comes. Willow and Kiannah talk while I go in my room and get Maddox's diaper changed, change her clothes, and put her in her car seat.

7:30 am- We leave for the bus stop. My Uncle Russ usually comes and rides with us because him and Kiannah are best friends, and we have been taking my little sister lately because she finally realized what a waste of gas it is to drive to school every day.

7:45 am- I park my van at home, take Maddox, and walk over to my mom's to enjoy a cup of coffee and hang out with her for a little bit before she goes to work.

8:45 am- I come home from my mom's house, and Maddox is usually ready to eat again now. I get her out of her seat again, change her, and turn on NCIS. We snuggle while she drinks and I watch my show.

9:00 am- Justin goes on his first break of the day, only 15 minutes so I pause my show and talk to him to see how his day is going.

9:45 am- I usually try to force feed myself something. I'm not big on breakfast, but breastfeeding is hard on your body if you don't get enough nutrients.

10:00 am- Start a load of laundry, pick up living room, clean off table, sweep kitchen, mop if it needs it, do the dishes, clean bathroom counters.

11:30 am- Lay down with Maddox and watch another episode while she eats some more.

12:15 pm- Make myself something for lunch.

12:30 pm- Continue off my cleaning list, doing laundry or finishing up bigger pots and pans if they wouldn't fit in the drying rack before. If I'm done with everything, I'll watch an extra episode here.

1:15 pm- Hang out with Maddox. Give her some tummy time. She is pretty good about sleeping more in the mornings and being more awake in the afternoons/evenings.

2:00 pm- Justin's last break of the day (his lunch is 11:45 am-12:15 pm). I usually call him if he doesn't call me to bother him and tell him I love him.

2:15 pm- Lay down with Maddox for a little nap.

3:00 pm- Start my daily blog post, work on a draft, or research for tomorrow's post.

3:55 pm- Walk down to the bus stop to get Kiannah off the bus.

4:10 pm- Get Kiannah home, give her an after school snack. Justin usually gets home around the same time, so I catch up with him while Kia eats.

4:30 pm- Do Kiannah's homework with her, go through sight words flash cards.

5:00 pm- Let Kiannah choose what we do for a little bit.

6:00 pm- Start supper, eat with the family. Clean up from supper.

7:30 pm- Give Kiannah a bath. Have her go brush her teeth.

8:00 pm- Tuck Kiannah in and read her bed time story.

8:15 pm- Go get in the bath tub. I wash myself first and then have Justin bring Maddox in and put her in the bath with me.

9:00 pm- Get Maddox in her pj's, get in mine, and lay down to nurse her.

Not a very exciting schedule, but it gets us by. Wednesdays are always different because the early out in school and my mom is always off Wednesdays and we watch my nephew, Mondays I have fire training at night, and the weekends really don't have a schedule. So, this is just a general idea of my daily life.

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