Tuesday, October 3, 2017

30 Day Blog Challenge: Post Three

Three personality traits that I am proud of.

Many times you hear that a person whom easily forgives easy shows a sign of weakness, though I myself would see it as a strength. I have always been quick to forgive people, or at least tried to be quick about it. While I may not always feel as though what someone has done to me shall be forgiven immediately, I also understand that life is short, and there is no reason for me to give anyone that kind of power over me. I can not allow someone who has hurt me in some way to also be able to make me live in anger. I deserve peace, whether or not they deserve forgiveness, and that is the most important thing to remember.

When I was sixteen, I got pregnant with Kiannah. I had to immediately change my entire mindset. I had to go from being a child, to ready to raise one. I picked up every hour I could at my job, I put myself on a fast track to graduation but made my schedule into half days in order to walk with my graduating class instead of graduating early. I have worked as hard as I could to be able to give my children everything they deserve.

Persuasive and empathetic.
I find persuasion and empathy go hand in hand in this case. I am able to talk to people and using empathy I can identify with them. If someone is angry I can talk to them from their point of view allowing myself to be able to persuade them to handle their anger in a non-confrontational manner. I was able as a CNA to talk to the family of a resident that had been estranged from them for years and help them forgive that resident and be there for them as they passed on. I find that using empathy it is easier to save people from bad decisions they may possibly make.

Of all of my qualities, good and bad, these are the ones I cherish the most.

Until next time,

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