Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Snail Mail.

Do you remember being little and getting a letter in the mail, whether it was a Christmas card, a magazine, or even junk mail, and you were SO excited?

I still love getting hand written mail and letters from people, in fact I have had a number of pen pals across the United States and eventually, they all just stop responding. It can get costly, stamps, envelopes, paper. Most people don't want to spend the money on letters when they can pull out their smartphone and send a text or email for free. It's all about the penny pinching.

I've been trying to start on wedding details, but seeing as how we are two years out, there isn't a lot I can do at the moment. Therefore, I've been trying to at least start a rough guest list and create an address book. How am I getting addresses? Texting. Facebook. Email. Phone calls. Crazy how even when I'm trying to get a way to get a hold of someone via USPS, I rely on technology.

Just a random thought of the day.

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