Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Buy or Adopt?

All of the animals we have ever owned have been rescued, except one. We bought Abbie, my mom's german shorthair/chocolate lab mix from a couple that had a farm on the outskirts of Grand Island. She is the only non-rescue we've had.

When I was younger we had a dog named Ciba. When she was a puppy, a friend of my mom's found her living off ciba seed corn, hence the name.One day, they asked if my parents could keep her until they found a place to move to where they could have her. They never came back.

Sassy was a beautiful gray cat that we had for most of my childhood. My mom and sister found her in a bag in the cornfield, pregnant and abandoned.

Our neighbors had a black and white cat they called Speedy. When they moved out, we noticed the cat would go beg on their doorstep for food, so we started putting cat food outside and calling it over. We named him Sylvester.

A friend of a friend had a german shorthair/chocolate lab mix. When her and her boyfriend broke up, she aid he could take it or it would be put down. She didn't want it. No one was going to have it if neither of them did. We got in touch with the ex-boyfriend. Now, we have Jenna.

When I moved in with Justin, I hated being in his apartment when he was at work. I didn't feel welcome. It was his home, not mine. I went to the Humane Society and brought home Catatonic.

Lastly, a friend of ours was working security detail at an event center in Grand Island last winter. A cat ran in the building when he opened the door to get out of the cold. He ended up catching her and giving her to us. Esmerelda (Izzy).

I never understood why so many people pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on an animal when there are so many with families who do not want them, and hundreds of them in shelters waiting for someone to 'save' them.

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